Marketing Automation

Outrun your competition and get advice on how a marketing automation system will help your business, increase your profits, and guarantee customer satisfaction.

What is marketing automation and how can it benefit you?

Marketing automation is a tool that facilitates and automates repetitive processes in online communication with customers. Based on the behavior of the visitor to website or e-shop, this system responds to their interests and provides the information on products they currently want, both the website and e-shop, but also in email and online advertising.

A marketing automation platform using elements of artificial intelligence, or machine learning, is able to predict a potential customer’s interest in a particular product or service based on previous behavior and transaction history, as well as the information of other customers who show similar behavior. By evaluating these parameters, the customer is shown a recommendation of products that they most likely want to buy. This personalization leads to higher conversions and increases turnover and profit.

How can marketing communication help you?

  • You will gain new customers.
  • Expand your list of email contacts.
  • Customer segmentation – you will have customers perfectly sorted.
  • Integrated CRM module, where you have all the important information about your customers.
  • Automated e-mail delivery- without a limit on the number of e-mails sent.
  • Emails are sent at the time your customers most often open emails.
  • The content of the e-mails will contain the information that customers really want (communication 1-1).
  • On your site and in online advertising, customers will see the products they intend to buy.
  • The number of abandoned shopping carts will be reduced.
  • Save time chatting with customers – a chat with artificial intelligence will do it for you.
  • Your conversions will increase. So will your profits.

See what results SALESmanago customers are achieving.



Leading travel agency in Central Europe

Open rate increase of 441%, click through rate increase by 337%, sales conversion rate higher by 300%. Significant increase in the number of online forms submitted through the website due to dynamic content. Increased the share of online sales in total sales from 12% to 35%.


Getin Bank

The leading Polish bank, which uses the SALESmanago platform, reported a more than 6% increase in the number of potential customers.

Also with this marketing tool, it increased the number of scheduled meetings with potential customers by as much as 3%.


Large online store offering top lingerie and accessories.

20% increase in direct and newsletter-generated customers with a 27.5% increase in interaction from these sources. Higher return on each lead. Higher conversion from generic traffic thanks to tailor-made content.


Yves Rocher

One of the largest European cosmetic retail chains with online store.

Lead Nurturing program that educates potential customers to increase customer value. 25% increase in the value of initial orders placed by customers.

Download Case Studies

What results can be achieved through marketing automation…


200% more leads


1200% more e-mails opened


150% more leads from anonymous visitors to your website


50% higher conversion of customer buyers from leads

What can a marketing automation platform do?

  • Identification of website visitors
  • CRM & Contact Management
  • Email marketing with dynamic email content 1-on-1
  • Rules of automation and Omnichannel working groups
  • Forms and Landing page
  • Web Push Notifications
  • Live chat with Customer Intelligence
  • Advanced website personalization
  • Smart recommendations
  • Product analytics
  • Social network management
  • Personalized business panels
  • Mobile marketing
  • Recommendations for machine learning and AI
  • B2C Sales robot with recommendations
  • FRM Analytics & Automation
  • Automation in the Mobile application
  • Progressive profiling
  • Dynamic ad remarketing
  • Custom dynamic website content
  • Monitor and run your own parameters
  • Dynamic automation of discounts
  • Own eCommerce product
  • Custom IT development and integration

Seamless Implementation of Marketing Automation

Outrun your competition and get advice on how a marketing automation system will help your business, increase your profits, and ensure customer satisfaction.

Don’t have time to deal with all the details? No matter! We solve everything for you.

In addition, you will not risk anything. We offer a free trial for the first month, where our specialist will set everything up and implement the system.

If you have a marketing specialist in your company, we will train them free of charge. Even so, we will always be available to you.

We use the marketing automation system.


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